This is a Guide to Architecture in Extremadura, intended both to specialized and non professional audiences.
As in the natural history books, it displays some explanatory diagrams in an effort to help understand complex documents.
As in the natural history books, it displays some explanatory diagrams in an effort to help understand complex documents.
This Architectural Guide tries to edit and dissection the information in order to make it more accessible.
This edition includes inserting data that allows a more complete understanding of the work, its context and even
the extra-architectural medium in which it is inserted.
This edition includes inserting data that allows a more complete understanding of the work, its context and even
the extra-architectural medium in which it is inserted.



A cinematic aproach to the different landscapes in Extremadura

Area 1 - Buildings are organized by sectors in the region. The opening to each sector is a photograph of the landscape of the area

Building chart: All the buildings are presented with a clear scheme with a text, an area map, with main buildings and references in the nearby, plans, sections or other documents, and phtographs with notations of complementary information.
There is also a ruler in the left side that shows begining and ending time of constructions so that it is easy to visualize the "age" of the building and whether it had a long or short process of construction.

Area 2

Area 5

Thematic Itineraries: A guide to visit buildings included in the guide following a thematic subject, following the A5 highway, or visiting Thermal Houses and Spas

Seasonal Itineraries: Guide to visit the buildings in different seasons, following main events calendar. This is a choice for Spring and Summer

Seasonal Itineraries: Autum and winter
